music inner city

Music Inner City News Magazine Bio: Nicki Minaj


If you know about what is going on in the world of hip-hop music you realize one thing and that is the lack of female rappers making good music right now.

Missy Elliott, Eve, Foxy Brown, Lil Kim, Lil Mama and more. Where are they? Word is Eve is going to realease a cd soon. She was really doing things with her own TV series and more. Repeats are being shown on the TV right now.

There is one female rapper that is blowing up in hip-hop right now and that is Nicki Minaj. One only. Her name is all over the place. She is a marketing machine just like Lady GaGa.

When you blow up like she has OUT COMES THE HATERS AND JEALOUS FOLKS!! A few of them are Lil Kim Lil Mama They are constantly talking negative about Minaj. The question is why?

What Kim and Mama need to do is SHUT THE HELL UP AND MAKE SOME GOOD MUSIC. Lil Mama has the NERVE to say that Nicki Minaj has stole her style!! WHAT?????? GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK!!!!!!! That is crazy.

I wish nothing but the best for Nicki. Hip-Hop/Rap needs somebody like her. With personality and charisma and style and finally saying all that, SHE CAN RAP TOO!!!  Gordon Curvey

Look for another edition of “SPORTS INNER CITY RADIO” podcast coming soon right here! The number one urban news magazine on the Internet from the Northwest and is getting more U.S. traffic than local Clear Channel station KUBE93 is “Music Inner City News Magazine”!!!

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