music inner city

Whitney Houston Opens Up On the O Show

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P.S. I hope and pray that Whitney Houston can keep herself together and stay away from the weed and coke because she is a flat out legend and I want to continue to hear her great voice.

It seems since she FINALLY left that knucklehead Bobby Brown, she is getting back to the old Whitney. A very beautiful and talented African American female.

I know she was deeply in love with Brown but the bottom line is, the brotha was holding her back from her legendary career. A lot of years went by without a Houston cd or concert. Now we can enjoy her again. As a fan of hers, I am very very happy.

I hope Houston just did not go on O’s show to sell cd’s. I hope we will hear from her in the months to come talking to kids about the dangers of drugs etc. This is what I hope.

I watched Part 1 of the interview on Oprah and she really opened up about her past. It was a great interview. One of Oprah’s best I have seen. Stay up Whitney!!! We all love you!!! Gordon Curvey

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