music inner city

Cuban Calls Out Martin’s Mom Calls Her Son A “Thug”

P.S I have always had a problem when people call African Americans or people a color a “thug” This word is ALWAYS used by the majority race against people of color.

It seems to me if a African American or a person of color has tattoos or corn rows they are automatic “thug” by a lot of folks. The question is why?

What makes Kenyan Martin a “thug” by the Dallas fans of Dallas or anyone? Is it because he has a bunch of tattoos all over him? Or is it he made a playoff type foul on Big Nirk?

So if that is the case is the “Birdman” Anderson on the Nuggets a “thug” He has a body full of tatoos. Does that make him a “thug” readers?

I will tell you what “thugs” are. They are certain players in the NHL who constantly get in fights on the ice during games. I don’t here them being called “thugs”

So why does Cuban and the fans call Martin a “thug”? That word is a code word. Instead of the “n” word, they are “thugs.” Cuban pointed at Martin’s mom and said what he said as he stormed off the court. Dude was wrong and out of pocket!!

Where Cuban stepped over the line is saying to Martin’s MOM her son is a “thug” and a “punk” He stepped way over the line!! As a owner Cuban is out of control.

He sits behind the team shouting a refs etc. And if something goes wrong against the Maverick’s, sometimes he steps on the court etc.

It is one thing to own the team and be passionate for his team and it is another think to be out of control like Cuban is.

Calling Martin a “thug” and a “punk” to Martin’s mom is WAY OVER THE LINE!!! And he needs to say he is sorry to Martin’s mom and to Kenyon Martin. He is not a “thug” or a “punk”. Cuban is the one who is a punk!! G.C

“Music Inner City News Magazine” is one of the few sites on the Internet that offers “urban sports” news and issues.

All this is a spin-off of Seattle, Washington based “Music Inner City TV” on Comcast On-Demand all over Western Washington state and here online also.

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