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Folks At “Tea Party Covention” Are A Bunch Of Obama Haters

ARTICLE FROM (Full story click here)

“One Man’s Opinion” by Gordon Curvey

I watched a speech by former Alaska Gov, Sarah Palin and I got real angry. Why you ask? It is because all she is, the conservative movement and the so called “tea party” movement is are a bunch of HATERS against our President Obama.

And in my strong opinion it is all because we have a African American President. PURE AND SIMPLE. It has something to do with the color of his skin.

Here is a question for you readers. Where was the so called tea party, where was the conservatives, where was Sarah Palin when former President George W. Bush ran our country into the ground?

He started a war in Iraq where thousands and thousands of our soldiers have been killed FOR NOTHING in a country we should not be in.

Listen to the angry comments made by the tea party folks. Listen to the angry comments by Palin and Rush and others. I don’t see why Sarah Palin is so doggone popular!!! I just do not understand this AT ALL!! What in the hell has she done??? I just don’t get it.

Fox News led by the bigot Sean Hannity promoted the tea party convention at will on his show. Fox lies and says they have not promoted the convention.

99% of the folks at the tea party convention were non-African American or people of color. Most of the folks in the tea party are non-African Americans or people of color.  Ummm I wonder why that happened folks? Is it because we have a African American President?? I say YES.

But guess what? President Barack Obama is a STRONG man. A very intelligent man. And he will not back down from the tea party movement or the bigots like Sean Hannity and Rush and Micheal Medved and Lura Ingraham and Micheal Levin and Bill Cunningham and Glenn Beck on conservative talk radio and TV.

So let the right wing folks do their thing against our President. Because I know as a supporter of our President, he is doing the best job he can. President George W. Bush messed up our country so bad, our President is still trying to fix the mess he left.

I wish EVERYONE will stand behind him and support him. Of course I am just dreaming. Stay strong President Obama!!!!!!

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