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Sports Talk Radio Has Problems/Host Says “Coon” Instead Of King

ARTICLE from (Full story click here)

“One Man’s Opinion” by Gordon Curvey

I was online and I just noticed this story above in the Huffington Post about sports talk host Mike Greenburg of “Mike and Mike In The Morning” on ESPN Radio and the STUPID AND CRAZY “mistake” over the air when he said “Martin Luther Coon” instead of Martin Luther King. HOW IN THE WORLD COULD HE MAKE THIS MISTAKE?

Readers, do you know what the word “coon” means? Let’s but it this way. It is like calling me a “nigga” Pure and simple folks. Maybe Mike had some crack before he went on the air? Who knows. All I know is Greenburg made a major mistake with saying that word over the air about Dr. King.

But here is the thing folks. There is a problem in sports radio. Here in Seattle we have sports radio 710 ESPN and KJR. Together they have a grand total of ZERO African Americans/people of color on the air. Not only that but their is no African American/people of color producers, none in sales and none in management.

This is a problem when African Americans/people of color dominate the three major sports in football/basketball and baseball and even Tiger in golf and Serena and Venus in tennis. Issues of race comes up all the time and when you do not have a African American or person of color over the air, it is a major problem.

KJR and 710 ESPN here in Seattle on air crews act like a “country club” or “Elk’s Club”. They act like friends and buddies instead of workmates. They text each other, call each other etc away from work.

KJR has been on the air for two decades and NEVER had a African American/person of color over the air with his or hers own show. The question is why? 710ESPN here in Seattle is a new station who had a chance to have a African American/person of color over the air but did not. This is wrong.

So with Greenburg saying what he said over the air, I was not surprised. You know why? Because most likely these guys use the word “coon” and the “n” word all the time around the water cooler at work. Greenburg most of forgot he was on the air.

I have been outspoken about KJR for years but nothing has worked. They have blocked out what ever I bring to the table. Management seems not to care. This is truly truly sad. I will always think differently about Mike Greenburg and Mike and Mike on ESPN Radio. I have put them in the same bag as Seattle’s 710ESPN and KJR.

Don’t forget the people of Haiti. They are suffering and need our help badly. Please text “Haiti 90999” and help. They need water and food and other things to survive. PLEASE HELP!!

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