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Tiger Says He Is Sorry/Now We Wait For His Return To Golf

ARTICLE FROM (Full story click here)

Today Tiger Woods came back in front of the cameras and the public eye to say he is sorry for his actions about cheating on his wife with numerous affairs.

Tiger said he was sorry to everyone who works for him. Said he was sorry to all the kids who look up to him as a role model and to his Tiger Woods Foundation kids too. He said his work for kids will continue.

Woods asked the press leave his mom and kids alone and stop following them all over the place. He said he was sorry to all the players in the PGA and to all the sponsors who have stood behind him over the years.

He said he thought he could get away from what ever he wanted to. He said he found out that was wrong and said he was sorry to everyone including his mom. His mom sat in the front row and looked worried and upset in my opinion.

He said he will return to golf. When that is we do not know. I hope as a sports fan it is soon rather than later so I can watch him win events again.

What I don’t like is PGA golfers who have greatly benefited from the greatness of Tiger Woods blasting him in the media. I don’t like it at all. It is wrong. One of them is Ernie Els. This cat and all the other golfers who have blasted Tiger need to chill out realize that because of Woods they are earning big time money. Not Arnold Palmer, not Ernie Els or Jack Nicklaus, it is TIGER WOODS.

They need to realize that Tiger Woods is golf. Who in the hell wants to turn on TV and watch Ernie Els or Tom Watson play in a event? I DON’T!!! Do you? Again these golfers need to stop talking about Tiger in a negative way when Woods is the face of the PGA. NOT THEM!!!!

So I hope Tiger Woods will continue to get the help he needs and soon return to the courses of the PGA and win events again. I will not watch one minute of golf until then. I know millions of others will not too. That is why the PGA’s ratings on TV are way way down. It is because of Tiger Woods.

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