music inner city

Sports Inner City Radio Podcast/Topics Include Draymond Green’s Views About The NBA Being “Boring” & The Return Of Our Seattle Sonics and Much More!!

Sports Inner City Radio Podcast/Topics Include Draymond Green’s Views About The NBA Being “Boring” & The Return Of Our Seattle Sonics and Much More!!

This is a “Sports Inner City/After The Game” podcast with your host Gordon Curvey. A spinoff of “Music Inner City TV”/”Sports Inner City TV”/Comcast Xfinity One Demand & Xfinity X1/Washington State-Oregon and California 24 hours a day/In all west coast markets. Based in Seattle, Washington.  Topics include Draymond Green’s comments about the NBA being “boring”, the return of our Seattle Sonics to Seattle and Mayor Bruce Harrell “joke” about the return and more. Including of course classic soul music. This week classic songs by the Rev. Al Green, the Queen of Soul the late great Aretha Franklin and The Spinners. Plus a interview with the Los Angeles Clippers Norman Powell.

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