music inner city

KUBE 93 Blocks M.I.C-TV’s Coverage Of Summer Jam

“One Man’s Opinion” By Gordon Curvey

As I type this blog, Seattle, Washington based KUBE 93 radio station ( is having it’s annual Summer Jam at the White River Amphitheater with guests such as Ludacris, Flo Rider, Sean Paul, New Boyz and others.

But for some unknown reason, they have decided to blackball or freeze out Music Inner City TV from coverering the event. This has went on for about six years. The question is why?

They give this “excuse” that they are not allowing media backstage of any type. This is B.S.!! They have acted VERY arrogant towards me and uppity.

Let’s remember that my program covered the Summer Jam from 1992 to 2001 EVERY YEAR with no problems what so ever. So why is it KUBE93 has decided to block my coverage? This is being led by Shellie Hart, Karen Wild and Eric Powers and General Manager Michele Grosnick. All of them happen to be white.

Also keep in mind that KUBE93 has not spent ONE RED CENT with African American owned media in promoting the Summer Jam with mostly people of color on the performing roster. Nothing with Music Inner City TV and nothing with the Facts Newspaper here in Seattle. Other words KUBE93 is laughing all the way to the bank, on the backs of people of color while not giving back.

Truth be told MIC is allowed to cover major industry events. So why does my HOMETOWN RADIO STATION BLOCK ME FROM COVERAGE? I have had problems even obtaining interviews with artists in there hotels.

These are artists whose labels spent $$ with me but somehow I end up with no interviews from KUBE Summer Jam artists.

Also I have e-mailed and called Program Director Eric Powers MANY times about this topic with ZERO calls or e-mails back. The same with Shellie Hart and the general manager. They have just decided to not pay attention to me at all.

Funny thing is when the former Seattle President of the NAACP Carl Mack was here and also my friend Curtis Ellison was here, they would jump and return all of their communications. In our last meetings, general manager Michele Grosnick made promises to us which she has not kept. This is a problem.

Finally, after my terrible fire in 05′ KUBE93 gave me a great sound system for my computer. But sorry to say, things have went way down hill from there and has since 2001.

IF I had millions of dollars like KUBE93 owners Clear Channel, I would have my own Summer Jam. But I don’t have it. So all I have asked is for KUBE93 to allow me to cover the Summer Jam with artist interviews and backstage interviews with people and I have been given the complete cold shoulder. But I see on there web cam on people who I say to myself “Why are they backstage”

There actions towards my program is wrong and unfair. The question is why? I would like to get some answers.

P.S It is truly sad that KUBE allows the artists the artists to cuss freely and use the word NIGGA at will WITH PLENTY OF YOUNG KIDS IN THE AUDIENCE!!! This is a outrage.

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