ARTICLE FROM (Full story click here)
“One Man’s Opinion” by Gordon Curvey
Today was a great day in American history when President Obama signed a health bill that has been talked about for decades and decades. What a day for America.
At the President’s side as he signed this historic bill was 11 year old Marcelas Owens who is from right here in Seattle, Washington. His mother lost her job, lost her health and I am sorry to say died.
The President had young Owens by his side at two events today regarding the health bill. I know this is something he will never forget the rest of his life.
What bothers the hell out of me is the right. And their racist tactics against President Obama. Calling him negative names etc. I am bothered by the far right “tea party”. Who are making people very very angry at the President to the point I think someone might try to kill President Obama. The far right is just that angry at the President.
NOT ONE Republican voted for the historic health care bill. NOT ONE!! This is crazy, this is a outrage. I am telling you readers. All the folks in the tea party, all the folks who did not vote for this new health care bill are speaking up LOUDLY and in very ANGRY ways because of one thing and one thing ONLY……it is because President Obama is the first African American President in our history and they CANNOT AND WILL NOT DEAL WITH THIS. Period. The far disagree with EVERY THING PRESIDENT IS DOING. EVERY THING!!!
I say a prayer for the President and his wonderful family EVERY NIGHT that they stay safe from the angry mob called the far right. What the far right is doing is VERY VERY DANGEROUS FOLKS. Please realize this. And if your a supporter of our President, please join me and say a prayer for him and his family every night.
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