music inner city

Why Are Rap Artists Supporting Miley And Her Actions?

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I am sure you saw former child star Miley Cyrus performance during the MTV Video Awards with Robin Thicke. It was terrible in my strong opinion readers. Let me repeat…terrible.

Of course we all know it was planned by Cyrus to “stand out from the rest” And I guess she did right? Sticking her tongue out and putting her ass all up on Robin. It was a outrage. Put the next day all the entertainment programs were talking about Miley on MTV just like she wanted. Her plan worked out just fine.

But I have a huge problem with rap artists supporting her and terrible so called performance on the MTV Video Awards. Why are certain artists standing up for Miley? I don’t understand. Is that the way they want they daughter to perform if they enter the music industry? I don’t think so readers. And how come her famous dad is supporting her daughter? I just do not understand. Of course Billy has been riding her freakin coattails anyway right?

Then she follows it up with another so called performance at the I Heart concert in Vegas with outfit on that you can see her breasts but her nipples were covered up. But guess what folks? Everything is working for Miley. Her song was #1 on the charts. UNREAL!!

Gordon Curvey

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