ARTICLE FROM (Full story click here)
Hank Williams Jr. is a real clown and should be a part of the Ringling Bros Circus! One thing for sure he lets everyone knows how he feels about President Obama. For the second time he has said in public how he REALLY feels about our President.
At a recent event Williams told the crowd that the President “hates America” “is a Muslim” and other crazy things. Dude is a far right clown and he is also dangerous. Why is he dangerous readers? Because fools like him brings many other racists out of the closet. And brings out more hate groups against the first African American President.
What also does not help is Sean Hannity and Fox News who on a night basis put President Obama on full blast on national TV and also helps bigots like Williams Jr stay strong against the President. After all have you heard Hannity and O’Reilly say that fools like Williams Jr. are wrong in their unfair treatment of President Obama? Have you heard Rush or Beck say it is wrong for guys like Williams Jr. to say the president is “a muslim” or that the President “hates America”?
As a supporter of President Obama I am asking that other supporters stand up for the President. The election is in November. If you are a supporter of President Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden and even First Lady Michelle Obama, it is time to stand up and do what you can to help our President. I am going to do my small part for sure.
Gordon Curvey