music inner city

President Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

ARTICLE FROM (Full story click here)

P.S. Congratulations to President Barack Obama for winning this years Nobel Peace Prize. It was a surprise but what a surprise.

Instead of praising the President, I am watching clowns like Micheal Steele, the token “leader” of the RNC down playing President Obama, I am watching Sen. McCain down playing the award and others in the media down playing President Obama winning this award. WHAT A SHAME!!!

And you know Fox News with Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck leading the pack, will BLAST President Obama for winning this great award. Saying what has he done to get the award.

Well check this out, it does not matter what McCain or the token Steele thinks. It does not matter what Beck and Hannity thinks!! The Nobel Peace Prize committee thought he should the prize. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS!!!

People need to stop HATING on our President!!! Many in the media and elsewhere refuse to call him President. They just say Barack Obama or Obama. I ALWAYS will call him PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!!!

All this negativity against President Obama is done for one reason and one reason ONLY. It is because he is the first African American President in our history. Pure and simple.

I am not gay or anything, but when ever I see President Obama on TV I start smiling. Because as a African American, I am so proud of him and his wife, the First Lady Michele Obama. He is positive role model for young inner city kids.

That they grow up and be what ever they want to be. They can say “Yes I can” And they can change their lives and other lives. I say a prayer for President Obama and his family to keep him and his family safe. Because they are MANY people and hate groups who want to harm them.

If you support President Obama, please join me in our prayers. Again, congratulations to President Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Gordon Curvey

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